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How To Have A Have A Good School Year In 2016

By Kianny Villar & Nasley Severino


This article will be telling you how to have a good school year for 2016.  One way is to have a good night’s rest, is to sleep as early as you can, like 9:00pm or 8:30pm. Sleep plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels.


Another way to have a good school year is to be organized.

Every weekend you can clean your folder and use all the papers that you need. You can also clean your backpack to check if there are any papers from the start of the year or if there are any homeworks that you didn’t turn in that you can turn. In school if you have time you can clean your desk and check for loose papers of throw away anything you don’t need.


Have a good night’s sleep

Have a good night’s sleep so you can wakeup early but also if you have any test or important work to do. At school you can be fresh awake and not fall asleep in school.  If you get enough sleep you can focus better.


Participate in school clubs and activities

Have fun after school and participate in clubs that you think are fun and that you like. But also that you can spend time with your friends and have fun.


Newborns: 16–18 hours a day

Preschool-aged children:  11–12 hours a day

School-aged children:  At least 9 hours a day

Teens:  6–10 hours a day

Adults (including the elderly):  7–8 hours a day


Favorite Classes

By Emily De Leon 312


My favorite class is Newspaper Club because we go to the computer lab and make the digital newspaper.  It is fun.


My second favorite class is ELA.  I love ELA because Mrs. Ward is very nice and she is beautiful. She loves kids, has a dog, and a son named Matty.  In class, we write, read and illustrate.  


Last, but not least is Math.  Math includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and much more!  I love Math!


Major Events that happened in 2015

By: Genesis Sanchez and Angelina Som


The worst thing that happened is the Paris terrorist attack, hundreds of people died. Everyone suffered because families got torn apart and we like Paris. I would always wanted to go to Paris, but am scared now.  

A second major event is that the new Peanuts movie came out.  SPOILER ALERT  “Life always seems complicated for good old Charlie Brown, the boy who always tries his best against seeing impossible odds."  When the little red-haired girl moves into his neighborhood, Charlie Brown has a crush on her.  Meanwhile, his best friend Snoopy has an epic adventure in his fantasy world. As a World War 1 flying ace, the lovable beagle battles his nemesis (a Red Baron.)  

The last major event that happened is pop singer Selena

Gomez got a diagnosis called Lupus and many fans

have cried and feel bad for her. Those were the most major events that happened in 2015.

Boys Basketball

By Ester Merida & Sarina Thorng



Today we decided to interview the Boys Basketball Team and their coaches, Ms. Miller and Ms. S.  We asked one of their coaches, Ms. Miller “What made you want to coach boys’ basketball?” She replied,  “I had a great experience playing basketball for many years. I think being on a team builds a lot of excellent skills and creates strong friendships. I love helping the students learn a sport I enjoy so much!”  We asked their other coach Ms. S “How would you describe your team?” She answered,  “I would describe the team to be eager to learn the game, excited to play, and full of energy.”

We asked 2 basketball boys about what they enjoy most about basketball and they said “I think it is a good sport and is fun which is also the reason they joined the team”.

What I Like About and Want in My School

By Jonathan Contreras


I like my teachers. What I like about them is they teach well and they have good senses of humor. I also hope that they stay for more years so the 4th grade students 

can have the experience we are having.


What I want in my school is better food.  Some food is good but in my opinion I think we should get some better food.  I would also like to change the recess rules. Instead of only playing soccer, basketball, and jump rope...I’d rather play normal recess.  The reason being is I liked it better when we could play whatever we wanted to play.

By Jasmin Jimenez 301


One of my favorite classes is gym, where you can get healthy exercise and play fun games like soccer, basketball, and jump rope.  Another favorite class is music, where you can learn beautiful songs and sing from paper or with music.  One example is the "Star Spangled Banner."  Last,  but not least, is the Newspaper Club.   We publish things on the web from the school or from the world and our own opinions. All of my classes are great, but my most favorite one is the Newspaper Club because I get to use the computers.

What am I?

Emily De Leon 312


I am an animal

I am black and yellow

I sting people

I make honey

I might live in your home





Jasmin Jimenez 301


What gets wetter as it dries? A towel

What has bark but no bite? A tree

What has a head, tail, but no body? A coin

What kind of ball can you serve but not eat? Volleyball 

What do you call a cat that bowls? An alley cat

What has a foot at each end and a foot in the middle? A yard stick





The New Recess Rule

by Kenny Hernandez


The new recess rule at Drewicz is that the teachers are now watching the kids outside. There are different sections in the yard.  One section where is for shooting hoops.  The second section is jump rope. The last section is where kids play soccer.


I don’t really like this rule because it’s really boring.  Basketball changed into shooting and not like the real game and soccer got smaller and jumping roping is just boring because I don’t want to jump for the entire time in recess. I really dislike this new rule and I took a vote in Newspaper Club.  These are the votes:


Like:  4

Dislike: 11




Laura Aguilar




The New Year's dinner is a really important dinner for the Chinese.  Especially for those that have family far away.  During the dinner, the most important dishes from Northern Cina are served: fish and dumplings.  Most Chinese stay home for this feast.





New Year's Day is observed on January 1,

with lots of celebration.  Some light

fireworks and firecrackers.  




An interview with the coach, Ms. Montoya & 2 cheerleaders


by Sarina Thorng and Ester Merida


Q:  What made you want to start cheerleading?

Ms. Montoya:  I wanted to show these girls how to cheer, because I did it when I was younger.

Q:  How would you describe your cheerleaders?

Ms. Montoya:  They are excited to learn and hard workers!

Q: Will the cheerleaders be doing any tricks?

Ms. Montoya:  Yes they will do some gymnastics at the end of the year.

Q:  What do you think is the best part of cheerleading?

Nadia (5th grade): The best part of cheerleading is hanging out with friends.

Q: What made you want to join cheerleading?

Andrea(4th grade):  I always wanted to cheer with my friends, show pride for my school, and have fun.


This year's cheerleaders: Richelly Maria, Mallory Bergstrom, Mia Anderson, Nadia Segura, Madison Thompson, Andrea Aguilar, Keiry Sanchez, Aleisha Perez Vazquez, Taya Anderson, Analyse Lopez.


Life Hacks

By Devin C


What is a life hack?  A life hack is something that could make your life easier…if you do it right.  Every kid in the school can do at least 1 life hack.  


If they want to try, they have to ask for their parents for permission.  Make sure the life hacks are healthy and safe :)  WARNING!!!  Make sure little siblings don’t try these without a parent!!


  • Did your mom forget to buy bleach? Make your own with 12 cups of water, ¼ cup of lemon juice and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide.

  • Does your phone charger bend? Use the spring from a pen to keep it from bending and breaking.

  • Forget a charger? Get a potato, put the potato in your mouth get charger plug it into the potato life hack.

Stay tuned for more hacks next edition! 



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